Friday, July 10, 2009

The 4th of July and Our New Home

Since we arrived in DC late on the 3rd of July, we figured we should see what all the buzz is about on the 4th at the capital of the U.S. I was a little upset that our good buddy Obama failed to put our invitation in the mail to watch the fireworks with him at his house, so we were forced to watch them from Abraham's front lawn.

We didn't let that get us down though, we had a great time enjoying one of the best firework shows we've seen with 500,000 others. Most of the people were festive so that made it even more fun.

Even Charlie liked the fireworks, however, he growled at a few weirdos.

Here are two pictures of us, we couldn't fit in the same frame as we sat waiting for the sun to go down.

Here is where we will be living for a while, its just a rental until we can buy a house of our own. We just need some good jobs first, any help?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What Do These Things Have In Common

1-White House
2-Lincoln Memorial
3-Arlington Cemetery
5-Traffic so bad it makes you want to pull your hair out
6-Everything named after a former President...especially George this, that and the other
7-Lots of Trees
8-Tons of Universities

Any ideas???