Thursday, July 2, 2009

What Do These Things Have In Common

1-White House
2-Lincoln Memorial
3-Arlington Cemetery
5-Traffic so bad it makes you want to pull your hair out
6-Everything named after a former President...especially George this, that and the other
7-Lots of Trees
8-Tons of Universities

Any ideas???


*Jane Lee* said...

Washington DC baby! There are lots of downsides to that area, but it's so full of stuff to see and do! Or maybe I just like going there because my fave Aunt and Uncle live in Baltimore and they always took me there when I'd visit.

Jake, Teylor, Walker & Hayes said...

They are all in DC:) How are you guys? I hope doing well. How was the drive? We need to FOR SURE keep in touch:)

Shari said...

im not telling