The time has come that I finally look into the eye of the beast and tackle it.
I can't cook. I hate to cook. It is boring.
I do enjoy home cooked food though and unfortunately my amazing chef of a husband can't just be my full time stay at home husband. Dang it I need to make that happen ASAP.
This is what I need and I propose. All my readers and friends are going to help me play a game. I want you to blog about your easiest, most delicious, and preferably crock pot friendly meal and then send me the link. I don't want a pinterest recommendation- I want your recommendation complete with pictures and testimonials. Then I will try it out and we can laugh and how bad my turns out.
Good idea? Today this is what I am trying, found it on pinterest and don't know if it will turn out. It is in the crockpot as I type.
Crockpot! 1 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/3 cup light soy sauce 2 pounds chicken breast tenderloins. Cook on low 6-8 hrs.
I am promised this is supposed to taste great and fall apart in my mouth. I will let you know. Please post your recipe on your blog and then post it in the comments so we can all try your recipe out :)