Sunday, October 3, 2010

Banana Cream Pie Tradition

Dulce de Leche Banana Cream Pie
Every year on the first weekend of October, Paul's family gets together and makes Banana Cream Pies. I don't just mean like one pie---I am talking like twenty plus pies. They deliver the pies to neighbors and friends.

Well Paul and I have missed the party two years in a row now, so last night Paul and I made our own Banana Cream Pie.

If I had my way the pie would have lots of chocolate in it, but sadly Paul is a purist.

I can't find the exact recipe we used, but this Martha Stewart Recipe looks tasty plus it has chocolate on top so I vote for you to try it. We have already eaten over half of our pie.

Do you have any family traditions? What is your favorite kind of pie? I think mine is maybe Key Lime or apple or maybe some kind of chocolate goodness.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

whatever, I want the secret stone recipie. After making them for that many years the recipie has to be perfection. Comm' on Leah, you can get it :)
You have inspired me to go grab a treat, you evil sister!